Poster Kegiatan |
Let's talk about nursing in six countries: Study and career opportunities_
đź—“️ Sabtu, 18 Desember 2021
⏰ 08.00 -16.00 wib
đź”–5 SKP PPNI
will be informed in the participant whatsapp group
Origin countries speakers:
Topic: Study and Career Opportunities of Nursing in International Society_*
🎙️Agus Setiawan., SKp., M.N., D.N.
Dean Faculty of Nursing
Universitas Indonesia
🎙️Prof. Dr. Hamidah Hassan
Professor Faculty of Medicine and Health Science
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
🎙️Sukjai Charoensuk, Ph.D.
Director Boromarajonani College
of Nursing Chonburi Thailand
Diaspora speakers:
Topic: Sharing Session Diaspora Nurse Life Success and Challenges in Many Countries
🎤Muhammad Arifin, SKP., RN., MHSM.
RN Med. Surg-Renal- Endocrine
Bankstown Hospital Sydney Australia
🎤Dian Syahroni, RN.
Enterpreuneur Nurse
Master Student Hogeschool Utrecht Netherlands
Nursing world in Netherlands
🎤Muhammad Arsyad Subu, RN, PhD.
Assistant Professor Psychiatric Nursing
University of Sharjah United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Nursing world in Netherlands
đź“ťNs. Nur Meity S.A, M. Kep.
Head of Research & Innovation Dept. HMP FIK UI
Doctoral Student FON UI
Head of HPMI Kepulauan Riau
Origin Country Session in English & Diaspora Session in Bahasa Indonesia
Full doorprizes & vouchers gift sponsor
Aria Wahyuni Bank Account BRI No. 001501068603508
Nur Meity Sulistia Ayu Bank Account BSI No. 7116341567
Aria +62813-1073-5271
Meity +62813-7276-5192
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